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Mainly three systems are adopted for naming an organic compound -
  1. Common names or Trivial system 
  2. Derived system 
  3.  IUPAC system or Jeneva system

Trivial System :

Initially organic compounds are named on the basis of source from which they were obtained for

 Organic Compound

 Trivial Name




 Wood spirit or Methyl spirit

Obtained by destructive distillation of wood 




 obtained from urine 



 Marsh gas (fire damp)

It was produce in marshy places 




obtained from acetum- i.e vinegar  



 Oxalic acid 

obtained from oxalis plant 



Formic acid  

Obtained from formicus (red ant) 



 Latic acid  

Obtained from sour milk  



 Malic acid 

obtained from apples  



 Butyric acid 

obtained from butter  



 Caproic acid 

obtained from goats  

Some typical compounds in which common & trivial names are also differ.


Trivial Name  

Common name 



 Marsh gas




 Wood spirit 

 Methyl alcohol




 Acetic acid 




 Dimethyl ketone 




Acryl aldehyde  




 Tertiary valer aldehyde

Comman Name : 

R is termed as alkyl





 Alkyl halide 



Alkyl alcohol   



 Alkyl thioalcohol 



 Alkyl amine 



Dialkyl ether  



Dialkyl thioether 



 Dialkyl ketone 



 Dialkyl amine 



 Trialkyl amine 



 Alkyl alkyl' ether  



 Alkyl alkyl' ketone 



 Alkyl alkyl thioether 



 Alkyl alkyl amine 



 alkyl alkyl' alkyl" amine 

 Position of double bond : 

In an unsaturated hydrocarbon if the position of double bond is on Ist or last carbon then it's prefix will be 𝝰(alpha) if it is on 2nd carbon it is termed as ꞵ (Beta) & then 𝛾(gamma) & 𝞭 (delta) and so on.

Example : 

H2C=CH–CH2–CH3                         𝝰-butylene 

H3C–CH=CH–CH3                       ꞵ -butylene 

H3C–CH2–CH=CH2                         𝝰-butylene 

H2C=CH–CH3          or                  propylene         (Both are same positions propylene, isobutylene)


CH3–CH2–CH=CH–CH2–CH3                    𝛾-hexylene 

CH3–CH2–CH2–CH=CH–CH2-CH2–CH3   𝞭-octylene

Common - Naming of dihalides :

 (a) When two same halogen atoms are attached to the same carbon such compounds are called Gemdihalides.
 (b) Common names of such compounds are alkylidene halides.

Exception :

(c) When two same halogen atoms are attached to adjacent carbon, these are called as vicinal dihalides. Common names of such compounds are alkylene halide.

(d) When two same halogen atoms are attached at the two ends of a carbon chain its common naming will be polymethylene halide.
 'poly' word indicates the number of –CH2– groups. 
–CH2–            2    3     4          5       6 
Poly              di    tri  tetra   penta   Hexa
Example :

Exception :


Common - Naming of di-hydroxy compounds : 

(a) When two –OH groups are attached to adjacent carbon's they are termed as alkylene glycol.

(b) When two –OH groups are attached at the two ends of a carbon chain, these compounds are named as polymethylene glycol. 
Poly ⟶Number of >CH2 groups.


Ex : Make the structure of following organic compounds -
1.Isopropylidene Bromid

2.Isobutylene glycol 

3.Trimethylene glycol

Common - Naming of the functional group having carbon :

                        chart 1

 S. No.

Functional group  







 Oic acid



 yl halide
















 Prefix : 

  1. Carbon ⟶ Form 
  2. Carbon ⟶Acet 
  3. Carbon ⟶ Propion

3C + (=) double bond = Acryl 
4C + double bond = Croton
Example :

Nomenclature of Ester :

The group which is attached to the oxygen is written as alkyl & the remaining structure is named same as defined in chart-1.

Examples :

Nomenclature of Anhydride :

 Rule : Add the total number of carbon atoms & divide by 2, the quotient will give you the number of carbon atom now name it according to Chart-1
Total /2 = Quotient = Number of C atom

If R≠ R', You need not to find out Quotient. Divide it in two parts as above & name it by suffixing ic anhydride (alphabetically) 

Derived System : 

According to this system any compound is given name according to the parent name of the homologous series. This system is reserved for the following nine homologous series.
Chart -2


Name of Homologous series  

 Derived Name 

structure of group  



















Acetic acid  



Alkanoyl halide  












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